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Speech Therapy, Speech Therapist, Speech Pathologist in Melbourne Brevard County
Speech Therapy, Speech Pathologist, a personal approach to therapy

You deserve customized services centered around your unique child and family.


Each child and family is uniquely individual and deserves a treatment plan that reflects distinct needs, desires  and interests. 


We believe in the value of diverse forms of communication, connection and interaction styles. We believe kids and their caregivers bring invaluable

resources, in the form of their own distinct skills, knowledge, and experience,

to the therapeutic process. We believe an authentic relationship between therapist

and family is fundamental to our successful journey together.  




Communication, interaction, connection with speech therapy in Melbourne, Brevard County, Space Coast

To create a lifetime of
interaction, communication 
& connection



As a child interacts with important people in their life, they are provided opportunities to experience connection and learn new skills. The road to successful communication begins with successful interactions. 





Every human being has a right to receive and express information and ideas. Back and forth communication is essential for a child's development and central to life and relationships.  



Human connection provides us with a sense of belonging. When a child has difficulty communicating, they may be missing out on a personal connections. Every child deserves to be connected in meaningful relationships.  

Read more about us here.

Learn about our services here.

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